House Of Prayer

The foundation of Kingdom Equip’s ministry is prayer. We believe that one of the primary calls that the Church has is to be a house of prayer for all nations (Isa. 56:6-7, Matt. 21:12-14). While we love and honor the various expressions of the Church displayed throughout the world, we feel a call to steward and rally God’s people to worship the Lord and intercede corporately for the world on a consistent basis. We believe that the advancement of God’s Kingdom rests in the prayers of God’s people.

About HHOP

The Hillsboro House of Prayer is welcome for all people. Currently, we meet in homes in Hillsboro on a consistent basis. The times of prayer vary depending on the season. For more information regarding time and location of house of prayer, click here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email. If you are interested in joining our prayer times, please email us, and we will connect with you regarding specific locations. We extend a warm welcome to you and hope the Lord will minister to you when you visit.

Worship and Prayer
The model of worship and prayer that has happened from the beginning of time can be seen in Revelation chapters 4 and 5. We get a glimpse into four living creatures and twenty-four elders who each have a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which is said to be the prayers of the saints (Rev. 5:8). We want to participate by faith in this eternal reality that is currently occurring. Our mission is to worship with the harp of love and pray with the incense of faith. God is raising up a corporate bride who is passionate about ministering to his heart and powerfully interceding for the heart of humanity.

The Hillsboro House of Prayer values the presence of God as the primary strategy for transformation. Our mission is to gather the body of Christ to minister to the heart of Jesus, receive the love of God, hear the voice of God, and then proclaim and prophesy the desires of God’s heart into the earth. As we corporately gather our desire is to fulfill the great commandment, loving the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind. We believe that as we do we will be empowered by God’s presence to fulfill the great commission, leaving the place of corporate worship and prayer with courage, boldness, and power to the world around us.

Ministry to the Lord
In Acts 13:1-2, we see that the mission of the Church was founded on and flourished because of the focus on worship and prayer. Corporate worship is expressed through the affection of God’s people turning to the face of Jesus. We believe as we corporately behold Jesus, we will be transformed by being in his presence and so conformed more into his likeness. As a result of his presence, we believe that heaven’s realities grow in our lives, transforming ourselves, our families, cities, and nations.

Intercession for the world
Corporate worship leads to corporate intercession. Jesus, our great intercessor, invites us to be a people who both minister to his heart and make intercession for the heart of humanity. As we corporately participate in the great commandment, we discover the unmet desires of the heart of Jesus. In response to his desires, we intercede for people, asking the Father to give the Son the reward for his suffering. We gather for intercessory prayer because we believe that God’s power manifests in accordance with his people’s prayers.